apostle Nani Babu had a vision to unify the Church for the glory of the Lord. His teachings are like  "No church will be raptured only the Church will be raptured. The Church is a people who follow His word and live a holy life. He got the power for His vision when he met Apostle Tim. Apostle Tim had the same vision for the globe while apostle Nani had for His nation. He is being mentored, equipped, and commissioned to establish IPL to bring every Christian into one accord to pray and establish a throne of praise in India. Then prayerfully started India Prayer League a group of people praying and praising our Lord.  He is a powerful leader to leads people in God's word. He is a senior Pastor at Jesus Christ Prayer House and publishes his sermons on pulpit help website. India Prayer League is a covenant member of Kingdome League International.